Latest news: OSO-AI goes international
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French Health Care
Health Made in France - come and meet us at upcoming French Health Care events in Sweden & Norway.
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Socio-health meeting - Nauchâtel
Socio-health meeting “Combining people and technology: Innovation at the service of socio-health services”
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European Geriatric Medicine Journal
Official Journal of European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS).
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Only 15% of medico-social residents can use call systems.

The Augmented Ear of Caregivers is useful to all and revolutionizes care practices.

Fall detection
Call detection
Scream detection
Our solution is revolutionizing the day-to-day life of medical and social care institutions and reducing professional stress. By removing the requirement for systematic rounds, it allows healthcare professionals to refocus on their core job: take care.

The Augmented Ear represents a major technological advance in healthcare, delivering notable advantages: optimization of working time, improved quality of care, greater safety for residents, positive impacts on human resources and working conditions for caregivers. Its adoption paves the way for a future in which technology and healthcare come together for exceptional results.

Ready to put the Quality of Life at Work (QWL) at the heart of your care practices?Contact us now to find out more about this revolutionary technology.

They trust
The Augmented Ear of Caregivers

Ministry of Solidarities and Families logo | French Government
logo Domus VI
VYV Group logo
UGECAM Group logo
Gérontopôle Pays de Loire
Logo Région Bretagne
Logo CHRU Brest
Logo Malakoff Humanis
Logo Mutualité Française
Logo APHP Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris
logo AFIPH association familiale de l'Isère pour personnes handicapées
Logo AG2R La Mondiale
Logo IMT atlantique
Logo Technopole Brest-Iroise
Logo La French Tech
Logo Silver Valley
Logo BPI France
Innovation Director - DomusVi Group
"The system secures caregivers in their work, as well as residents and their families, which facilitates relationships. The ability to intervene quickly in the event of a problem also reassures caregivers about end-of-life care."
A system that facilitates relations
Night Caregiver at the EHPAD of the Kerloudan Residence, VYV Group
"Thanks to OSO, we have been able to improve the accuracy and completeness of our transmissions by identifying sleep problems in some residents, which has allowed us to adjust their care accordingly."
More complete and targeted transmissions.
Yves & Josette GUIGNARD
Residents at Kerloudan - VYV Group
“Just two days ago, another resident told me, 'I fell, I cried for help, and immediately there was an intervener.' 'It's a security for the residents and for the family. This device is a great moral support, it relieves their worry.”
When residents talk about it...
OSO-AI winner of several Awards

More safety for residents
More peace of mind for caregivers